Pagi ini bangun tidur saya dikejutkan sama semua inbox yang berisi tentang peringantan penyalahgunaan trademark oleh paypal. sekitar 5 hari yang lalu saya daftarkan sebuah nama domain berextensi .com yang mengandung kata paypal disana. saat itu memang saya cek di domain reseller lokal ternyata masih available untuk dibeli siapa saja. alias domain belum digunakan. ya tanpa pikir panjang langsung saya beli dan saya install script. email pagi tadi isinya seperti dibawah ini:
We have noted your registration through the local Internet registry in your country of a domain which incorporates the trademark PAYPAL. While we realize that you likely registered the domain with the best of intentions and without awareness of the law in this area, we need to inform you that use of that domain is problematic.
PayPal, Inc. ("PayPal") does not permit use of its trademarked name PAYPAL in a domain name.
Such use is in violation of international intellectual property regulations and the trademark laws of many countries worldwide.
Additionally, arbitrary use of the word PAL in a domain is problematic if the connected website is used in association with a business making use of PayPal or operating in the same sphere of business as PayPal.
PayPal adopted the name and trademark PayPal in September 1999 and, since that time, PayPal has actively used the PAYPAL name and trademark in connection with its online payment and related services, including maintaining the web sites and numerous country-specific websites in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. The PAYPAL trademark is one of the most famous trademarks on the Internet. PayPal owns exclusive trademark rights to the PAYPAL name in many jurisdictions internationally, including related common law rights. Accordingly, PayPal enjoys broad trademark rights in its name.
PayPal has made a substantial investment in developing and providing its services. As a result of PayPal’s pioneering efforts and its devoting substantial effort and resources to providing only high quality services, the PayPal name and trademarks are widely known among the consuming public worldwide, and the name and trademarks embody substantial and valuable goodwill.
While PayPal respects your right of expression and your desire to conduct business on the Internet, PayPal must enforce its own rights in order to protect its valuable and famous trademark. For these reasons, and to avoid consumer confusion, PayPal must insist that you not use the domain name for any purpose, do not sell, offer to sell or transfer the domain name to a third party, and instead simply let the domain registration expire.
We regret any inconvenience caused you, but we require your written confirmation that you will at your earliest convenience discontinue any use of your PAYPAL domain, and will then allow its registration to lapse.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.
Best regards,
eBay Inc.
Legal Department
hm... barang kali bukan kesalahan saya jika ternyata domain yang saya beli tersebut ternyata menyalahi hak trademark. buktinya dari pihak reseller domain dan registrat melakukan approved pembelian domain itu. artinya jika seluruh nama domain dengan unsur kata paypal dilarang maka seharusnya order saya di reject atau dapet notifikasi suruh mengganti. hmm.. mulai lega disini. lalu saya coba hub reseller domain saya dan dia bilang, "email itu dari seseorang yang cuman iseng saja atau spam mas, email berkenaan dengan permasalahan nama domain dan pelanggaran trademark nanti datangnya dari saya dan registrant secara langsung." tapi tidak perlu khawatir jika pihak paypal tetep ngotot untuk menonaktifkan domain itu seharusnya pihak paypal mengganti kerugian saya. waduh kok jadi serius gini postingannya. hehe.
oke.. nanti saya update di posting bagaimana perkembangan apakah domain ini bener-bener pelanggaran trademark paypal.
buat temen2 yang mau daftar domain baru, saya saran harus hati-hati memilih nama domainnya. jangan mengandung nama unsur website terkenal dan memiliki trade mark meskipun dulu tmn ada yang bilang beli domain gini sama perusahaan memilik trademark disurh menonaktifkan domain dan dikasih ganti rugi 100 Euro.
semoga saja nanti kalau paypal dan ebay minta di nonaktifkan saya dapet duit juga..hehehehe
Tips memilih nama domain baru
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