A dry throat cough is a sign of laryngitis problem. Laryngitis is the inflammation of your voice box. This disease caused by irritation or inflammation. Another signs are hoarseness, voice loss, sore throat and rawness of your throat. If we can't prevent this disease, then it can develop into a chronic condition.
According other source, dry throat cough can be caused by allergies, common cold, seasonal flu, air pollution, and other causes. Dust, pollen grains, molds, pets, etc., are some common allergens which able to lead dry throat cough, usually will appear symptoms such as sneezing, dry cough, nasal congestion, strep throat, headaches and watery eyes. Common cold, a contagious, viral infectious can also as causes. Running nose and sneezing often as symptoms. Seasonal flu, also called influenza, caused by either influenza A or B viruses. The virus mainly invades the nose, throat and lungs, and causes scratchy throat, runny nose, dry cough and high fever. Air pollution can also become one of cause of dry throat cough. Viral or bacterial infections, smoking, alcohol, spicy foods, straining of vocal cord, they are able to be causes of this disease.
Here we will some tips to stop a dry throat cough, which able to help you or your children, especially as first aid before you see a doctor to get some suggestion to recover this disease.
Step 1
Breathe in the moist air. The moist air can provided through a humidifier or hot water. It will soothe the irritation in your throat. You can also inhale steam from a bowl of hot water, or you taking a hot shower this tips will alleviate your dry throat cough.
Step 2
Avoid speaking. You must give rest to your voice box, because it will reduce irritation or inflammation. This tips useful to reduce strain on your vocal cords.
Step 3
Avoid dehydration, keep your throat moist. Drinking a lot of fluids will keep throat moist and prevents your throat from becoming dry. MayoClinic.com suggests chewing gum will keep your throat moist.
Tips above can help you to treat dry throat cough beside you consume medicines which suggested by a doctor. You must be careful with this disease because it linked with voice box, and it is important to treat immediately, in order to keep your communication.