
iPhone 5 Cases A Hoax, claims case-mate


iPhone 5 Blog from within industry consumer electronics Case-Mate claims publicity stunt "a scam" and that the new "iPhone iPhone 4 bumper FITS Apple."

Last week, Case-Mate iPhone 5 publicity stunt was a coup for the community of iPhone, with Case-Mate is the first in good faith, the company's consumer electronics accessories to try to take advantage of the rumors surrounding the imminent release of iPhone 5. Despite the fact that Case-Mate iPhone leaked 5 product pages of the case was more than a thinly veiled publicity stunt, with their current iPhone 4s / 5 page teaser making no claims of confirmation in the very design of the next iPhone the vast majority of the technology community has been complicit in promoting the publicity created Case-Mate, on the assumption that the manufacturer if the iPhone is "confirmed" the form factor and features of the upcoming iPhone.

5 Blog iPhone moved quickly to ask questions right on the veracity of claims and expose fellow flight cases for what it really was: a brilliantly planned publicity maneuver could not confirm much of anything on the iPhone 5, while the injection success of the brand in the Case-Mate iPhone 5 for discussion.

You can read our article on the subject here.

This morning, the iPhone 5 Blog received an e-mail from its own source, a senior executive in the aftermarket consumer electronics, which has insisted for months that the next iPhone will not have a totally new design, but re-use most of the iPhone form factor 4. Your e-mail this morning, confirms this belief, and has some harsh words for the history of Case-Mate:

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