Monday the Scarlett Johansson pictures alleged hacker took to Twitter with a bold response. Basically, "Hollywood Leaks" (HL) tweeted for the public to just back off, as it did not release nude pictures of ScarJo.
As the buzz around the posting of naked Scarlett Johansson pics swirled around the Internet, the supposed ring leader of the stolen photographs surfaced to defend itself against the leak.
Just like many well-known cyber-terrorists, "Hollywood Leaks" has never been shy about coming forward with its roles in other high-profile nude picture leaks of celebs, according to International Business Times.
Recall the scandal that broke in June about Dancing with the Stars alumna Julianne Hough?
Although her hacked photos pale in comparison to the leaked Scarlett Johansson pictures, "Hollywood Leaks" proudly announced its role in posting those pics months ago.
However, this time the organization vehemently said while media outlets believe it is behind the malicious release of the Scarlett Johansson pics, it would have made sense to post them on its official website first.
"WE DID NOT LEAK THE SCARLETT JOHANSSON PICS, WE WOULD HAVE RELEASED IT HERE FIRST! So stop the speculating!" proclaimed the alleged hackers on Twitter.
In defense of the alleged hackers, the FBI has not officially and publicly announced the name of the responsible party behind the nude picture leaks. However, Zap2it hinted at the possibility HL are the "culprits" responsible.
Whether or not the naked Scarlett Johansson pictures resulted from hacking her cell phone or she leaked them intentionally for publicity, the frequent leaks are getting old—fast.
Scarlett Johansson Pictures Alleged Hacker Tweets Response
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