This even is the fourth time Congressman Howard Berman will be the guest at the Business and Development lunch of the Encino Chamber of Commerce, during five years. Congressman Berman beside be the guest he also be speaker on the January 17th lunch. All the even sponsored by Addition Building & Design.
Congressman Berman, in the House Committee on Foreign Affairs as Ranking Democrat, means he is a most senior Democrat in the committee. As long as served in the Foreign Affairs Committee, he has negotiated a five-year reauthorization of global HIV/AIDS programs, with $50 billion, where authored legislation that removed by Nelson Mandela and members of African National Congress from list of U.S. terrorism. Now he prioritizes improvement of America’s diplomatic strength with a reauthorization from State Department, and improvement of assistance to fight Pakistan's terrorism and efficiency of U.S. foreign aid.
In Democrat on the Judiciary Committee Berman have responsibility in trademark, copyright, and patent laws for entertainment, telecommunication, consumer electronics, including industries of information technology. Moreover handle biotechnology, broadcasting, and pharmaceutical. He is one of Subcommittee on Competition, Intellectual Property, and the Internet member.
In this even Berman will speak two-way with taking questions from the audience directly. And this chance rarely carried out by congressional representatives. The even take place at The Monterey of Encino at 11:30 a.m until 1:00 p.m., with the cost for members with reservations on January 13th, and $30 for members without reservations. Take a ticket and get some advantages from this event.