We know that Highlight HEALTH (organization that focuses to promote advances, informative and educational for biomedical research) has reach five-years old, and in this New Year release prize packs for the next two months (from January until the end of February 2012). In five-year anniversary celebration, the company will perform one of five prize pack, which consists of:
(1) ResearchSaves Magazine, a magazine that release every three months, fulfills your need about medical and scientific in animal research for human advantages. This magazine from Biomedical Research Foundation.
(2) NIH MedlinePlus magazine, which consists of information of up-to-date and reliable health from NIH research.
(3) A paperback copy of Don’t Cross Your Eyes … They’ll Get Stuck That Way which written by Drs. Aaron Carroll and Rachel Vreeman of the Indiana University School of Medicine.
(4) Smart Medicine hardcover copy that consist of How the Changing Role of Doctors, and development of medical system for medical community.
(5) Webicina T-shirt, it's a free service that allows patients get medical professionals access that customize with platform for free.
For the details you can subscribe for free email updates.
According to Walter Jessen (CEO at Highlight HEALTH), that Highlight HEALTH want give something that useful for their readers to learn about new treatments and research which could affect them. While, Pew Internet and American Life Project find 80% of internet users, searching information health use online services. And Highlight HEALTH becomes one of source to get ones.
With program Prize Pack Giveaways in the New Year which along with five year anniversary, Highlight HEALTH hope all of readers (included physicians, researchers and patients) could review medical and health research.