Happy New Year 2012! This year, Brigitte Sumner released eBook that lead you to pass through 2012. That is titled Set Your Goals for 2012. Set Your Goals for 2012 is a guide and workbook that presented in a simple which head to begin the New Year. Brigitte Sumner experience in this field more than one decade work and concern as an elite mastery coach, and her tools was use friendly that give a direct result to user. This booklet consists of three parts. First, review around 2011, and then designed planning and implementation for the next year, for third is look at to your big dreams and design an agenda to make the dream become true.When you learn the book, you will reach an opportunity for success easier since 1st of January.
The whole of this book presented in an illustration and design especially for a Workbook, so reader have able to fill exercises from guidelines of eBook. Besides that important part of the eBook is Goal setting, Brigitte give help and treatment to the people make goals over than 20 years in to the future.
My Voice Publishing release in http://www.mvpub.co.uk that they feel delighted joint with Brigitte in this project. They not only pleasure but also find confidence that many people who work together with Brigitte over the years could ensure they will get some advantages. My Voice Publishing also gets a privilege because they have entered in the illustrations sheet, and they hope reader like with their new methodology.
Once again, we remember you to set your goal in 2012 with Set Your Goals for 2012 from Brigitte Sumner which available to download through http://www.amazon.com for $0.99, but since January 3rd, American Time give free downloaded from Amazon. Enjoy. Don’t miss it!