Today, on average about 11 apps has downloaded by mothers in their smartphone, but just four applications which suitable with their children. And according an observation found 40% of mothers lets their children play game with their smartphone, and average 35 % of the children use their smartphone for game at least an hour every day.
Games in the mobile are dangerous for children, because currently a study has shown that about 65% of mobile applications, in fact are advertising of pornography. This means our children are being bombarded by advertisements which containing inappropriate content in traditional media. This condition will influence to their mind step by step and unconsciously they consume something which inappropriate for their age.
Michael Adler, Chief Executive Officer of WQN, Inc. said that this application created for first time to protect children from inappropriate content which has a potentially be harmful. Michael Adler also said that they excited with the response from whether families with children and developers of game. He believes that this project will minimize inappropriate content for the children especially about advertising of pornography.
Android user able to visit through Facebook fan of company to knows further about SafePlayground. And WQN, Inc. (OTCPK: WQNI) hope this reference will help mothers to save their children from inappropriate content for their age.